
We design, build and host advanced Speech Technology solutions that provide first-class customer experiences.
Every solution, uniquely tailored

Every solution, uniquely tailored

Every SmartSpeak solution is uniquely tailored to the individual client and their needs. We gather all available data from our clients to improve their customer experiences.

SmartSpeak is all about understanding your customers. We identify their behaviours and the pathways they follow to enquiry. Working with our clients, we continuously refine their Speech Technology experiences, optimising call outcomes and caller satisfaction.

Natural Language Processing combined with advances in supporting technologies (such as AI and Voice Biometrics) make this advanced level of engagement possible.

We use advanced technologies for first-class experiences

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Voice Biometrics & other tools

Highly intuitive & integrated

We want to change the conversation and make the customer experience intuitive. Rather than ‘Press 1 for sales, press 2 for support, press 3 for billing’, we anticipate their needs and say: ‘Hi, are you calling about your overdue account?’

Our Speech Technology solutions integrate with our clients’ existing systems and data to provide these seamless managed experiences.

Customer experiences should cross platforms. We aim to help customers in their chosen channel (calls) and, where possible, integrate with other channels for example, e-mail & sms to create seamless transitions.

SmartSpeak solutions are never based on a one size fits all, off-the-rack approach. Every solution is tailored to meet the needs of our clients and their callers – from the technology used to the customer experience design, style and system integration.

Highly intuitive & intergrated

SmartSpeak speech technology services include

Consultation & scoping

Design & setup

CRM/micro services integration

Reporting & analytics

Progress meetings

24/7 support centre

Amazon AWS based PCI DSS compliant hosting

Ongoing maintenance, fine-tuning & improvements

Always improving

Businesses are constantly changing and technology is always improving. Creating a first-class customer experience means always looking for ways to upgrade and never settling for just OK.

We do this by constantly monitoring and reviewing our solutions to see how we can make them better. A great speech solution should be like human language – regularly changing, evolving and adapting to the needs of its users.

Always Improving